Major Cancer Websites 

It is impossible to go through each and every one of the cancer websites on the internet without having to dedicate a considerable amount of time to even the process of researching and finding out what may or may not be relevant to you. You then need to understand the actual content of the website with an appropriate level of depth and breath of knowledge. In addition, it may be also useful to keep an open mind to see what is out there on a more global level rather than restricting your searches geographically. To save you some time, I have listed some of the main websites here but there are a lot of them – you have been warned!

United Kingdom


Cancer Charities & Foundations (UK)

I have painstakingly searched for most of the cancer charities and foundations in the UK (if there are any missed please could you kindly email the details to so they can be added). The idea here is more of an awareness thing so that you may be able locate and link in with the relevant cancer charity or foundation according to your needs. Knowing these websites exist may help to signpost you to more local services and likely provide you with cancer-type specific information. Collectively, there is a wealth of knowledge that would be worth tapping into. However, make sure to bookmark this CanSure Heal It website so that you can come back here and keep it as your go-to website as you embark on your cancer-free journey. 

Breast Cancer UK  Breast Cancer Care  Breast Cancer Haven  I  Breast Cancer Now  I  BRCAUmbrella  I  Bowel Cancer UK  I  Prostate Cancer UK  I  Ovarian Cancer Action  I  Target Ovarian Cancer  Ovacome  I  Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust  I  British Lung Foundation  I  Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation  I  Pancreatic Cancer UK  Pancreatic Cancer Action  I  Heart Burn Cancer UK  I  Fight Bladder Cancer  I  Kidney Cancer UK 
Melanoma UK  I Melanoma FocusMelanoma FundBritish Skin Foundation  Skcin
Bloodwise  I  Leukaemia Care  I  Lymphoma Action  I  Myeloma UK  Sarcoma UK Bone Cancer Research Trust  I  The Brain Tumour Charity 

Children with Cancer UK  I  Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group  I  Teenage Cancer Trust  I  Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust  I  The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust  I  The Youth Cancer Trust CLIC Sargent  I  Trekstock Young Adult Cancer Support
Other Childhood & Teenage Cancer Charities (links from CCLG)
RipRap information for teenagers who have a parent with cancer


Other Cancer Charities & Events 

Maggie’s Centres  I  The Hummingbird  I  Working with Cancer  I  Shine Cancer Support  I  Victoria’s Promise  The Eve Appeal  Lady Garden  I  Odyssey  I  Yes To Life  I  Race For Life  I  Walk the Walk  UK Triathlon The Pink Wave The Cancer Treatment and Research Trust  Orchid  I  Testicular Cancer Network  I  Penny Brohn UK  OcuMel UK  I  Rainbow Valley  I  Together Against Cancer  I  Tenovus Cancer Care  I  Cancer Support Scotland  I  Action Cancer  I  York Against Cancer  I  Yorkshire Cancer Research  I  Hope Against Cancer Big C  I  Worldwide Cancer Research  I  Genetic Alliance UK
The Lymphoedema Support Network  I  Cancer Hair Care  I  Cancer Support UK  I  Ellie’s Friends  I  Daft as a Brush


Personal Websites

Liz O’Riordan  I  The Cancer JourneyMan  I  The Next Corner  I  Your Cancer Journey  I  Chris’s Cancer Community  I  Womb Cancer Support UK  I  CoppaFeel  I  How To Starve Cancer


United States
