New Cancer Treatment Breakthrough

The field of oncology and cancer treatments have come a long way with new discoveries constantly making their way into clinical practice and hitting the news headlines. A lot of advances in therapies within conventional cancer therapy (i.e. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy) as well as other forms of therapies are showing much promise. Access to these therapies however, will vary considerable depending on the stages of their development (and on other factors such as cost, availability, location of a given service, etc.) where some may be purely a concept, others in the stages of research & development in the laboratory or in the clinical trials phase. Sometimes, novel therapies will unfortunately only be accessible through private means and at other times, purely on an experimental basis. What treatment(s) you ultimately decide to embark on should be based on an informed decision (following the advice from a trained medical professional) but also make sure to do some research to know your options. You may at times feel the need for a second opinion, which is fine.


A Selection of the Latest Advances in Cancer Treatment

Whilst it would be nice to be able to have all the latest information on cancer under one roof (and on this website), keeping up to date with every new cancer treatment and research requires an extensive team of experts. Rather than reinventing the wheel, the below websites will provide information on cutting edge treatments and research currently taking place in the field of cancer. You can do a more focused search on specific cancers as well.




A Prediction Tool for Breast and Prostate Cancer

Predict Breast Cancer

is an online tool (NHS) that helps patients and clinicians see how different treatments for early invasive breast cancer might improve survival rates after surgery (please read their Disclaimer).


Predict Prostate Cancer

is a prognostic tool (NHS) for patients diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer who have not yet begun treatment and in whom metastatic disease has not been identified (please read the Disclaimer).


* Please use these prediction tools with input from a specialist / oncologist.


Latest Advances in Cancer…  >>  The Cancer Pathway (NHS)  I  Investigations  I  Clinical Trials  I  Research in Cancer