The CanSure Heal It Online Holistic Cancer Care Coaching Programme

Participation is currently by invitation only and limited to five clients at any given time. We are happy to discuss on an individual basis on a discovery call.

E-mail Dr. Paul Ch’en on or message him through LinkedIn



Why Should You Enrol?

Dr Paul Ch’en is uniquely qualified to offer this inspirational programme to those who find themselves on the ‘cancer-free journey’. He is both a (former) cancer research scientist and a General Practitioner of medicine, as it is practised in the west, and also a student of integrative and alternative traditions, including the practices of eastern medicine, the wisdom of the ancients, and even more controversial approaches such as hormesis (look it up!). He brings this holistic approach to the study and treatment of cancer, and understands that health and ill-health are the product of both our genetic inheritance and such ‘epigenetic’ factors as lifestyle and mindset.  Moreover, he has a particular expertise in the prevalent diseases of longevity: for example, not only cancer, but also chronic diseases as a whole. He is committed to the idea that the best treatment of ill health always requires a working partnership between patient and healer. And every cancer is different. He recognises that good medical care means both seeking to identify the causes of the disease, and treating the symptoms. He likes to listen to the patient, and creates a relationship of trust characterised by ‘time, talk and tenderness’, the ‘three Ts’ of first-class care. The first consultation of 30 minutes is free as a discovery call. Those who complete the course are offered an aftercare service of annual 30 minute consultations for three years, or indeed longer for those who opt to become expert clients, or enrol as volunteers in his research programme.

Why Not Try It?


Dr Paul Ch’en is a general practitioner (GP) and a partner at a NHS practice in Oxford with a specialist interest in oncology and cancer care. As a former cancer immunologist, he holds degrees in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (M.Biochem.) and a Ph.D. (D.Phil.) in Cancer Immunology both from the University of Oxford. He was also a post-doctoral research scientist at Imperial College London and the University of Oxford under Professor Gavin Screaton (currently the Head of the Oxford Medical Sciences Division) working on cancer vaccines and immunotherapy before embarking on graduate-entry medicine at the University of Southampton. Today he wears multiple hats as a clinician, an educator and a former scientist; working both in the NHS running a busy practice as a GP Partner and a College Doctor for two colleges at the University of Oxford (he also used to be a private GP), and also in the ageing and longevity arena as one of the co-founders of the Oxford Longevity Project. He is also a clinical advisor to a supplement company.

His mission in life is to help patients on what he calls their cancer-free journey and to empower patients to take active steps to be the ‘responsible individual’ in a so-called partnership model. Whilst he was set in his mind to become an oncologist, he made the active decision to pivot away from hospital medicine during his doctor training and focus more of his attention on cancer prevention and lifestyle medicine (and early diagnosis) especially in the light of the fact that 1 in 2 people are thought to get cancer in their lifetime, but over 40% of cancers are thought to be preventable. General practice has enabled him to understand the breadth and depth of conventional (allopathic) medicine, but he holds a keen interest in practising holistic medicine with the aim of treating patients and coaching clients focusing on the body and mind (having also partly trained in CBT and western acupuncture) whilst appreciating the importance of the social and spiritual side of care; his unique cultural upbringing also allows him to incorporate and bring in eastern wisdom to the mix as well. He is also very interested in medical technologies including AI that can help optimise health and wellbeing, but equally fascinated by psychiatry, psychology and how the mind works – something that he feels is crucial to the healing journey, particularly in cancer care.



Within the Programme You Will Have Access to Three Fantastic Coaches, Each With Their Unique Skills, Wealth of Knowledge and Expertise.


Chris Ball, aged 89, has lived a very full (and fulfilling) life as a scholar, teacher, manager, leader and a life coach. See his Wikipedia entry for details of his career here. He and his wife Wendy, have a large family of six children (four adopted), eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren – so far! Retiring at the age of 70, he devoted himself to three major interests: poetry, running and philanthropy. He has since published eight (illustrated) volumes of his verse, learned to be a marathon runner (and was the founder, and one of the first runners, of the Cumbrian 10-in-10 Challenge, and created and delivered to more than 80 clients his ‘KISS fundraising’ course (‘Keep it Simple and Successful’) raising, and helping others to raise, more than £1 million a year for the last ten years. After some 25 years as a listening volunteer, he has also recently retired from Samaritans.

Having chosen to seek to live until the age of 111 (don’t laugh!), he has now turned his attention to the challenge of ensuring a ‘healthy longevity’. He is one of the founders and patrons of the Oxford Longevity Project, consultant to Daybreak, which provides support for people suffering from dementia, and partner of Dr. Paul Ch’en in developing and presenting the latter’s CanSure Heal It programme. He is particularly interested in creating and sharing the concept of ‘the responsible individual’ as an equal partner alongside the expert physician.



Peter worked as a freelance Occupational Psychologist for over 40 years.  He specialised in helping managers develop their interpersonal skills (the so-called ‘soft skills’) and was an executive coach with clients in many large organisations.  In 1982 he formed his own publishing company, producing materials to help managers become better at learning from experience and at managing people.  He has written many books including the widely known Learning Styles Questionnaire, 101 Ways to Develop your People, without even trying!, Improve your People Skills, Solving People Problems and 50 Cautionary Tales for Managers.

He sold his publishing company to Pearson in 2010 and, at the age of 73, embarked on the third phase of his life doing charity work, painting watercolours and writing short stories.  He has been happily married to the same wife for 60 years and has a large family, five children (one deceased) and eight grandchildren.

In November 2022 he was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and since then has remained undaunted, cheerful and active.



Dr Evie Kemp is an occupational health physician, medical educator and haskap berry entrepreneur:
She worked for many years as lead physician in Occupational Medicine at the Centre for Occupational Health and Wellbeing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. She has a special interest in psychological wellbeing in the workplace plus doctors’ and medical students’ health and wellbeing, and many of her patients came from these two groups.

Since 2018 Evie has divided her time between Israel and Oxford and is now working in medical education; running workshops for doctors and lecturing medical students. She also worked as the Director of Medical Student Wellbeing at the Technion American Medical School in Haifa for four years. She has developed and teaches health and wellbeing courses incorporating occupational and lifestyle medicine principles.

Evie and her husband also founded and run a business called Haskapa, which produces superfood products made from haskap berries grown on their all-natural farm in Nova Scotia, Canada. As research director, she coordinates haskap berry scientific knowledge and academic research for the company.



We also have a Cancer Care Navigator to Keep You on Track during the Course.


Dr Elliott Ayling is an aspiring GP with a specialist interest in holistic health management aiming to empower all to take control of their health and own medical care. Graduating from Southampton University in 2022 with a Medical Degree and Masters in Medical Sciences he has undertaken a variety of hospital jobs throughout his career in Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. He is now based in a GP practice in Oxfordshire.

His personal experience with a loved one going through cancer treatment has deepened his desire to help all take control over their health even at times when it feels like this is in the hands of others. Helping them through this strife and fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support have allowed him to give back in a small way and this has made him want to help those going through cancer in any way he can.


What Will You Get From The Course? For More Information Click Here