Similar to music, we know that dancing can have a profound effect on our general wellbeing. Whether this is classical ballet to street dancing, moving our bodies and having the discipline to master and execute set movements (and to be able to express yourself), this is likely to exercise the mind and body. The act of performing for an audience and mastering the art itself may also help build confidence and provide you with a sense of achievement – all important for your mental wellbeing.
Dance as a therapy for cancer prevention (Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2005)
Dancers Against Cancer
Ultra Ballroom (opportunity to learn dance – free 8 weeks of professional training whilst raising money for CRUK)
Dance Beats Cancer (Youth Cancer Trust)
Dancer For Cancer (in support for SickKids Foundation, US)
Dancing after breast cancer ‘I feel like a woman again’ (BBC 2019)
Fighting Cancer with Dance (TEDIndia 2009)
Classical Ballet
Ice Skating
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