Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, pilates, breathing exercises, relaxation technique, the list goes on (you can click on each of them for details). They are all useful exercises/practices for healthy living aiding the mind & body and promoting a sense balance and health. They can be physical, mental, and/or spiritual practices (with some having religious roots) that hopefully reduce the level of stress and tension within the body allowing one to achieve peace, harmony with the body, clarity of the mind, better flow of energy, inner calm and other aspects of healthy wellbeing. Regular training and practice is often required to master the art but the ultimate aim is to be able to utilise them in your day to day to improve your general wellbeing; as they say, practice makes perfect. As with most things in life, however, it requires a certain level of dedication and the right mindset to make it a routine thing or even a skill, and there is no one right answer to what works best. You will essentially have to find what suits you and this too may change over time depending on your situation and your needs.


What Comes to Mind When We Think of Meditation? 

Whilst understanding the theory behind each of the practices can be important to achieving a deeper relationship with the very practice, sometimes the act of doing it may be enough to keep you fit and well. Admittedly, the greater the input and dedication the more likely you are to reap the benefits at a deeper level. Meditation is one such practice where the focus is training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective.


My Playlist



Mindfulness has recently become a very popular form of meditation. Starting from…..


Mindfulness Meditation (Verywell)
University of Oxford Mindfulness Research Centre

Free resources can be found here

To find a mindfulness teacher near you click here



Headspace and Calm





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