‘The Cancer-Free Road Map’

This is where all the information is kept – broken down into topics as part of The Cancer-Free Journey.


Table Contents Mission Statement What is Cancer Latest Advances Cancer prevention Health & Wellbeing The Feeling Good Factor Complementary & Alternative Therapies Post Cancer Care Survivor Stories Believing & Healing Acceptance & Disclosure Money Matters The Doctors' Perspective Eureka Moments Sharing My Own Thoughts Your Views Store & Products Cancer Websites Cancer Information & Resources

You can also scroll down and click on Read More. Each column corresponds to pages 1 through to 5.


Table of Contents (Easy View)


Mission Statement

Over the last 20 years, I have been thinking quite hard to figure out how best to approach cancer treatment and what I can personally do to help. Treatment in the form of modern western medicine continues to make its mark with various blockbuster drugs that have shown much promise, …

What is Cancer?

I don’t think we need an in-depth introduction to this topic but seeing some of the websites listed within CanSure Heal It may make you think again as to what we are really contending with. People respond differently to the way in which information is conveyed and whilst some people like acquiring their …

Latest Advances in Cancer…

The pace at which medicine is evolving is phenomenal. Researchers have taken numerous different approaches to try to combat cancer with some notable successes and breakthroughs in the recent years. This has involved for instance altering the genes, targeting the various metabolic pathway …

Topics covered in Latest Advances in Cancer…